Monday 26 November 2012

What i have done:
What i have to do:

i have researched feature film posters. I have started to edit my poster i will make 4 to 5 posters and i will pick out the most popular poster; in my audience research. 

i have used photoshop to edit my poster. I have made articles and used it on photoshop. i have researched many different articles i produced similar  work.

Actions i will take:

i will start working on my magazine i will research plenty of magazines and i will annotate them. Then i will try doing something similar to what i have chosen. 

Monday 5 November 2012

What do you have remaining to film? Nothing- a few shots- a significant number of shots/ scene- be as honest as possible. I have to finish the trailer, do more shots and i have to do it more early in the day,

Wednesday 3 October 2012

How do the dominant representation of teenagers reflect their collective identity

What is identity? to me it is the set of behavioral or personal characteristics by which an individual is recognizable as a member of a group, to others it may be different.there are many different types of social groups out there for teenagers. in which i presume that People tend to make a pre-judgement of teenagers because of what they hear in the day to day news, or any other media conventions. Throughout this essay i will elaborate on the dominant representation of teenagers; and how this effects their identity. 

The representations of teenagers are  different when it comes down to TV show and the news. British TV shows which the target audience is for teenagers for example the popular TV shows like Skins and Misfits, have an obscene amount of drugs, sex and smoking in them. These TV shows show what the average day to day things teenagers do on their spare time, this then generalizes the stereotypical things that teenagers do.

Whereas, in the news teenagers are scene quite in a negative perception due to the fact that that mostly are on the news
 for negative reasons. For example on BBC news 'Mark Easton' wrote an article on teenage 'Rebels'  and he stated 'Adolescents are increasingly turning their noses up at drugs, booze and fags, with consumption by young people the lowest at almost any time since we started measuring these things.' this is the one of many article that one of the most popular news agencies shown about teenagers in a negative manner.

However, in the brighter note teenagers are not always represented as 'rebels' or in a negative manner, the few TV shows which do show a more representable side to teenagers such as 'Glee' which is a very popular TV show in 'America'. this TV show shows a group of diverse teenagers sticking up for each other in the daily battles on being in secondary school. This TV show firstly shows them attending school compared to the British TV Show 'Misfits' which are a group of kids which are a group of teenagers in community service.

This comes to my other argument, that sometimes it feels that all the TV show that the British culture is showing look as if they are condoning teenagers to rebel. i know that it is for entertainment but i believe this is what creates stereotypes in our society. To conclude i believe that the representation towards teenagers on their collective identity can be questioned, due to the fact that all teenagers do have their own identity; and that is it OK for people to stereotype teenagers just because on what they see in the TV.

Monday 24 September 2012

How do the dominant representation of teenagers reflect their collective identity? (tv)

Negative Side: Tv shows
Tv in genral  represents Teenagers in quite a negative way, for example tv shows such as Skins which is a quite commonly watched tv show, Have drugs, sex, and viloence in them.

Negative side: BBC News
On 4th june 2012 bbc news wrote an article on teenage pregnancy the title was 'London teen pregnancies hit record low'
NHS has quoted 'Free condoms have helped teenage pregnancies in the capital reach a record low, NHS London has said' and also said in the same article
"In the last year more than 50,000 condoms have been handed out across the capital," NHS London said. and, The number of pregnancies among under-18s fell from 1,158 in the same period in 2010.

Postive  side: Tv show
Glee is quite a postive representation of teenagers because firstly they all attend school, and it shows diversity and a range of diffrent characters which all have diffrent personalities.

Negative side: Films (Easy A)
Is about a clean-cut high school student relies on the school's rumor mill to advance her social and financial standing. Also in the film the main character 'Olive' agrees to fake a tryst with her openly gay classmate so people will think he’s straight and stop picking on him. Once again word spreads that she’s “easy,” and she starts making a business out of faking sex for the sake of others, while ruining her reputation in the process.

This films shows a negative side to teenagers because it has innaporpriate scenes and shows the negative side to teenagers throughout the film.

Negative side/postive: BBC News (2010)
Michelle Roberts wrote un article on  under-18 ban cut smoking rates and said Teenage smoking rates in England have dropped since the legal age for buying cigarettes rose from 16 to 18, research by University College London suggests.
He found out that
Researchers surveyed more than 1,000 teenagers aged 16 and 17 before and after the age rise in October 2007.
Smoking rates in this age group dropped significantly, from 24% before the law change to about 17% after it. Smoking rates in over 18s remained unchanged.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Explain the role played by media in the construction of collective identity.

Media plays a huge part in the construction of collective identity; for example youth are represented through the media a various different types of ways such as the movie kidulthood, this shows youth in a bad stereotypical manner, therefore this  plays a huge part in society. Furthermore Youth are also represented in a negative manner for example if a youth is wearing a hoodie they would automatically stereotyped because of there collective identity and how they are portrayed in the media. Therefore this shows media plays a huge role on how society takes particulate thing.

However youths are not always portrayed negatively in the media, sometimes they do tend to show the better side of them; for instance when the results are there; if the younger generation which attend school do pass the news picks up on and say a positive things.

Media can be useful, and change the view of a type of group such as, The disability; the reason why i chose that particular group is because of the para Olympics, this actually showed a positive way in how us as a society view the disability. It showed them to be strong no vulnerable and enthusiastic; wear as as a society as a whole the disability was viewed in a different manner quite opposite to what i said above. therefore this shows media can put a light on a subject.

on the other hand media can do the complete opposite and create a stereotype  on a particular group such as 'Muslims', for example after the 9/11 Muslims were on the news for quite some while and were in most negative manner, this created quite a big stereotype about this particular group. They were mostly in the news which society tends to watch and this made the 'Muslims' quite an easy stereotype. I personally believe that media can make society change there mind very fast. I also believe media can control peoples mind because it is the only place where we get our news.

Media is not all negative; because without it we would not know what is going on around the world. Media can help people for example 'YouTube' 'Kony' this was quite recently made and people knew about it in just in a few days it got millions of views and it raised awareness about what is going on. 

Coming back to the youths collective identity is played in the media mostly in a negative way such as teenagers throughout the television is usually negative- with violence, drugs and sex. i thing the more you see these types of TV shows/films come on the more you actually fall in the trap. Of (stereotype). 
Also, you could say that TV shows could be the reason why they go through this particular gender, because they think its ok since it is on there TV everyday. TV shows such as Bad education, Misfits and many more shows aggression and a negative outline in teenagers them selves, it has students bullying teachers. and students bullying other students; this could show kids that its OK to bully people. there fore what i am trying to argue is that collective identity plays a huge part in society and media. and negative TV shows can make it seem OK when it is not.

To conclude, i think that media plays a huge role in collective identity. And in particular groups such as Teenagers, religions/race/skin and the disability all are affected by the negative and positive in the media. I personally think it is mostly negative because society as a whole want entrainment, so that is what media does; it entertains the viewing public.

Monday 17 September 2012

bsfga2media08 for ed


13th descember trip

homework next monday
presemtation of your project
a title for short films and trailers
350 synopis/tratment of the main project
a breakdown of estimated running time equipment producyion caost location artists desighn etc
Look on blog

other homework due wesday disability essay collective identy

In what ways will your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions forms and convection's of real media products?

My  teaser trailer will have various types of conventions, such as the clips that i will choose will be the best bits this is to keep the audience more entertained, and teaser trailers such as the teaser trailer for 'Saw 3D' this is actually quite a good one because it has intense scenes which keeps the audience more intrigued.

I will also have a voice over, I particular want it to be a man with a powerful/scary voice because I do believe this adds more tension to the trailer. I also will use powerful instruments because in a horror movie it usually is better to use instruments that are loud to make it more intense. 

How will you ensure that the combination of your main product and ancillary texts are effective. 

What kind of audience feedback will you seek for your product and what things might you learn this ?

i will set out a questionnaire to find out the audience's feedback on my idea, reason being is that I want to know if my idea is worth doing because other people opinions are useful when creating a film/trailer. 

How will use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation ? 

I will research in many different types of forms such as look at other teaser trailers, do practise shots. be prepared before hand


Friday 29 June 2012

My Idea

Title: Captured

In the beginning of the short film; the first thing you get introduced to is the main character who is in his mid 20's he is walking across a corridor; in a very slow pace. Then there would be many different camera shots in his face, showing his facial expressions.
Then we will see the main title jump up with very intense music. then we will see an empty cage with a bit of blood on the floor; the camera will do a 360 around showing the viewers the cage, then the camera will go back to the main character entering a dark eerie room with a young girl sitting on the floor looking petrified curled around her self, whispering words such as 'Stop' this young girl is yelling in a very deep scary voice.
The Other man called Dixon;  who we met in the begging  bends down to her level and confronts her, then we go back to the cage the back the young girl who is called; 'Sarah' the scene then goes blurry and a bit timid, this is her flash back ' we go back to the cage and suddenly we notice the little girl 'Sarah', and 4 other characters who we yet never got introduced to; we then see a laptop where is placed in the centre of the cage,  and around it are the 5 character who are trapped inside the cage.

The five characters; are 3 men and 2 girls, this young girl called 'Sarah' Who we got introduced in the begging whilst in the flash back is segregated from the group, she is staring at the laptop as if she is waiting for something to happen, then suddenly in the laptop we see a distinctive figure with a plane white mask speaking to the 5 characters.

The things he says are ' you 5 have been chosen to be tested in this experiment that we are conducting' then one of the male characters says 'What is the experiment on' then the camera goes back to the video on the laptop and it says  2 character's who are called 'Mike & Tom' the man in the mask says 'Mike & Tom' there is a uniform for you in the corner of the cage the keys are under the black box' then we see mike run and open the box, he pulls out 2 uniforms with extra props; the the masked man says put these two clothes on and he explains the main task on what they have to do. which is Mike and tom have to put the uniform on and tell the other three characters what to do each day examples are 'push ups, running in laps around the cage, preparing food ext..
600full-the-experiment-screenshot.jpgThen we notice Tom asking in a very cram voice; what are you going to get out of this, then 'Sarah begging to cry, saying to the masked man 'why please do not do this'. then the video turns of. The other character 'Hannah says to the group what if we do not do it they can't force us, then Sarah shouts out They are evil in her sad voice, mike then insists lets just do it because if we won't we might never get out or even last staying here for more that 3 days. Tom shouts we do not even have food to survive for 1 day.

Then the other charter Hannah goes to where the black box where the
costumes, then looks around the box and notices a sheet of paper folded up, she slowly begins to open it and it says a list of instructions on what Mike and tom are suppose to do. Suddenly Sarah shouts out i here noises i think there something on the other side, Hannah is like i can not here anything, then Tom shouts oh my gosh look over there he points, it then fades to black then a distinctive creature covered in blood tries to get its way in, every huddles away from where the creature is, Mike gets one of the props which is a large metal thing, he holds closely; trying to protect the group; in the back ground every one is shouting and screaming, and crying. The creature then starts to scream in an abnormal voice. then moves away from the cage in a slowly pace.
Tom shouts out how did we even get here and what was that. Hannah then  remembers the masked man saying we are here for UN experiment; then Sarah jumps out saying What if we are here to get eaten she then mopes around crying Tom says to the group he said there where 5 of us where is the 5th person. everyone starts looking around, then everyone gets paranoid. Then they here a noise in the middle of the cage they all walk towards it, then we see what the characters are sing then suddenly Sarah turns around and see the creature inside the cage; the camera does a extreme close up on her eyes. it ends.


The reason why i chose to do a short movie is because i think this particular story that i am doing can't all be fitted in a trailer, because the idea and concept is too complicated. I made the characters are all different but yet similar on there own ways. And also the setting is a cage.

Tuesday 26 June 2012


The Mist:
I want to do a horror as a genre, for my trailer. I personally think this trailer is similar to what i'm thinking of. the reason why i chose this trailer is because it has everything that i want in my trailer. the 'Mist' is about a group of people who are in a shop and are forced to stay inside because of what lurks outside. The main protagonist is a Male who has his you child with him in the shop; This trailer shows that there are many intense dramatic scenes, it makes the viewers want to see what happened.

The experiment:
This  movie is a breathtaking movie it self, however the trailer is also good. The trailer makes the viewer shocked, i liked how it does not reveal everything but yet makes the movie look amazing. This movie shows how the human mind changes if it's put in a tricky situation. It also shows if you give power to the wrong people they will abuse it. just for money. This is one of my favourite films of all time.

Even though the genre is thriller drama and psychological thriller, what i want to do is take the thriller out of the film and change my film into 'horror/ thriller'. I personally like the location of the film and what i would do is use a big cage full of a various type of different people, trapped inside it; we as the audience will not know how they got in there but we will get to find out a little about the main  protagonist. However there would be little twist such as deformed creatures trying to get through the cage and the people inside the cage only have the tools inside the cage to keep them safe (which is very limited). The reason why i chose this particular film is because i like how the people who the audience thought will become friends went against each other, this is what i'm willing to create in my film.

The devil:
I also like this trailer because of the Location, and that the people are trapped inside the elevator are getting attacked by some and they do not know who it is. i like the way they all go against each other. and the one we least suspected is the one who actually is it.

Friday 23 March 2012




 Action | Comedy | Mystery



 UK | France | USA



Release Date:

  (UK) See more »

Also Known As:

 Arma fatal See more »
plot: Hot Fuzz is a 2007 British action comedy film written by Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright, and starring Pegg and Nick Frost. The three had previously worked together on the 2004 film Shaun of the Dead and the television series Spaced. The film was directed by Wright and produced by Nira Park, and follows two police officers attempting to solve a series of mysterious deaths in a small English village.

i think its affective because there audience is for teenagers and many teenagers use face book. the genre also has comedy and action a diffrent combinition. working title did a good job in this film because




 Action | Comedy | Mystery



 UK | France | USA



Release Date:

  (UK) See more »

Also Known As:

 Arma fatal See more »

i think its affective because there audience is for teenagers and many teenagers use face book. the genre also has comedy and action a diffrent combinition. This film

Friday 2 March 2012

  • What is the genre of Contraband? - Action, drama, thriller, crime
  • Who stars in Contraband? - Robert Wahlberg, Caleb Landry jones,Jason Mitchell 
  • Who directed Contraband? - Baltasar Kormakur
  • What is the estimated budget for the film? - $25,000,000 
  • In it's opening weekend, which chart position did it reach in the US Box Office?- $24,349,815
  • What is the estimated Box Office Takings for the opening weekend?
  • How many screens was it shown on in the US?
  • Which other production companies did Working Title work with to produce the film? (You should also know and say what this type of production is called)

Friday 24 February 2012

Mass audience

Different types of texts i use:
Face book
movie sites
Phone e.g aps
and many more..

-I have been influenced in adverts to buy things quiet a lot; an example is dominos pizza advert, made me and my family buy it because the advert made us want it. 

-The crisps advert (guessing the flavour).
-The kit-kat advert
-An exercise machine

My own opinion of mass media:
i personally think media changes people opinions in many different ways. i also believe that it depends on the person, because some people are very different and would not fall for the media in some scenarios. 
However some people use media to find about whats going on in the world,  such as BBC News. and other channels like that, but sometimes news could say wrong things, and some people believe it and automatically judge, and some people go of and do there own research.
For me BBC News is a useful place to get information.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

The hypodermic theory,it was introduced in 1902s; it  is the first attempt to explain how audience react to mass media, it shows that people react to things differently. it suggests that audience do not try to process or challenge the information. in todays society its known most obsolete. it's also still quoted during moral panics (computer games, violent films etc.
Uses & gratifications:
Uses and gratifications theory states that people use media texts in different reasons. however unlike the hypodermic needle model U and G theory argues that it's: ... not what does the media do to people, but what do people do with the media'.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Film industry questions

1. Who finances development of the film? The producer finances the film.  The producer initiates, co-ordinates, supervises and controls matters such as fund-raising, hiring key personnel
 and arranging for distributors. The producer is involved throughout all phases of the 
film-making process from development to completion of a project.

2.How does a film recoup the production the finance?
once the distribution has been paid, the finance can recover there investments then the rest of the money is used to pay dvd sales. then the distributors will use theatrical realise to launch the film because its more cheaper.

3.what is meant by distribution?A distributor company is vital if the film is to reach the audience, in return for development money the distribution company will ask for the right to distribute the film in exhibitions  e.g cinema owners, retail companies and broadcasters.