Monday 17 September 2012


In what ways will your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions forms and convection's of real media products?

My  teaser trailer will have various types of conventions, such as the clips that i will choose will be the best bits this is to keep the audience more entertained, and teaser trailers such as the teaser trailer for 'Saw 3D' this is actually quite a good one because it has intense scenes which keeps the audience more intrigued.

I will also have a voice over, I particular want it to be a man with a powerful/scary voice because I do believe this adds more tension to the trailer. I also will use powerful instruments because in a horror movie it usually is better to use instruments that are loud to make it more intense. 

How will you ensure that the combination of your main product and ancillary texts are effective. 

What kind of audience feedback will you seek for your product and what things might you learn this ?

i will set out a questionnaire to find out the audience's feedback on my idea, reason being is that I want to know if my idea is worth doing because other people opinions are useful when creating a film/trailer. 

How will use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation ? 

I will research in many different types of forms such as look at other teaser trailers, do practise shots. be prepared before hand


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