Monday 24 September 2012

How do the dominant representation of teenagers reflect their collective identity? (tv)

Negative Side: Tv shows
Tv in genral  represents Teenagers in quite a negative way, for example tv shows such as Skins which is a quite commonly watched tv show, Have drugs, sex, and viloence in them.

Negative side: BBC News
On 4th june 2012 bbc news wrote an article on teenage pregnancy the title was 'London teen pregnancies hit record low'
NHS has quoted 'Free condoms have helped teenage pregnancies in the capital reach a record low, NHS London has said' and also said in the same article
"In the last year more than 50,000 condoms have been handed out across the capital," NHS London said. and, The number of pregnancies among under-18s fell from 1,158 in the same period in 2010.

Postive  side: Tv show
Glee is quite a postive representation of teenagers because firstly they all attend school, and it shows diversity and a range of diffrent characters which all have diffrent personalities.

Negative side: Films (Easy A)
Is about a clean-cut high school student relies on the school's rumor mill to advance her social and financial standing. Also in the film the main character 'Olive' agrees to fake a tryst with her openly gay classmate so people will think he’s straight and stop picking on him. Once again word spreads that she’s “easy,” and she starts making a business out of faking sex for the sake of others, while ruining her reputation in the process.

This films shows a negative side to teenagers because it has innaporpriate scenes and shows the negative side to teenagers throughout the film.

Negative side/postive: BBC News (2010)
Michelle Roberts wrote un article on  under-18 ban cut smoking rates and said Teenage smoking rates in England have dropped since the legal age for buying cigarettes rose from 16 to 18, research by University College London suggests.
He found out that
Researchers surveyed more than 1,000 teenagers aged 16 and 17 before and after the age rise in October 2007.
Smoking rates in this age group dropped significantly, from 24% before the law change to about 17% after it. Smoking rates in over 18s remained unchanged.


  1. www excellent use of sources and lots of potential here for developing your research further.

    ebi you had also analysed each source sin detail and discussed how it create a negative or positive representation of teenagers. I am interested that you have classed the new story about condoms reducing teenage pregnancy as negative (?) there is a lot to explore in this.


    Though the news story informs us that teen pregnancies have gone down - a good thing(?) - the implication is still there that teenagers are having too much sex - a bad thing(?) - the representation of teens as reckless is both supported and reduced at the same time depending on the audience perspective. A moral panic which is prevalent in most cultures but especially western media is that Teens are reckless with regard to sex, contrasted with adults who are 'responsible'. Adults fear teen sexuality is a threat to society and have historically always tried to suppress it.

    Can you see that when you look closely there is more to examine?

  2. www where you have discussed or analysed you are showing sound skills which show potential for improving your grade this year.

  3. Target grade for A2 - C
    Current working level - D1

    You are clearly working hard and really focussed at present. One of the issues we will look at is developing your essay writing skills to a higher standard.
