Monday 24 September 2012

How do the dominant representation of teenagers reflect their collective identity? (tv)

Negative Side: Tv shows
Tv in genral  represents Teenagers in quite a negative way, for example tv shows such as Skins which is a quite commonly watched tv show, Have drugs, sex, and viloence in them.

Negative side: BBC News
On 4th june 2012 bbc news wrote an article on teenage pregnancy the title was 'London teen pregnancies hit record low'
NHS has quoted 'Free condoms have helped teenage pregnancies in the capital reach a record low, NHS London has said' and also said in the same article
"In the last year more than 50,000 condoms have been handed out across the capital," NHS London said. and, The number of pregnancies among under-18s fell from 1,158 in the same period in 2010.

Postive  side: Tv show
Glee is quite a postive representation of teenagers because firstly they all attend school, and it shows diversity and a range of diffrent characters which all have diffrent personalities.

Negative side: Films (Easy A)
Is about a clean-cut high school student relies on the school's rumor mill to advance her social and financial standing. Also in the film the main character 'Olive' agrees to fake a tryst with her openly gay classmate so people will think he’s straight and stop picking on him. Once again word spreads that she’s “easy,” and she starts making a business out of faking sex for the sake of others, while ruining her reputation in the process.

This films shows a negative side to teenagers because it has innaporpriate scenes and shows the negative side to teenagers throughout the film.

Negative side/postive: BBC News (2010)
Michelle Roberts wrote un article on  under-18 ban cut smoking rates and said Teenage smoking rates in England have dropped since the legal age for buying cigarettes rose from 16 to 18, research by University College London suggests.
He found out that
Researchers surveyed more than 1,000 teenagers aged 16 and 17 before and after the age rise in October 2007.
Smoking rates in this age group dropped significantly, from 24% before the law change to about 17% after it. Smoking rates in over 18s remained unchanged.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Explain the role played by media in the construction of collective identity.

Media plays a huge part in the construction of collective identity; for example youth are represented through the media a various different types of ways such as the movie kidulthood, this shows youth in a bad stereotypical manner, therefore this  plays a huge part in society. Furthermore Youth are also represented in a negative manner for example if a youth is wearing a hoodie they would automatically stereotyped because of there collective identity and how they are portrayed in the media. Therefore this shows media plays a huge role on how society takes particulate thing.

However youths are not always portrayed negatively in the media, sometimes they do tend to show the better side of them; for instance when the results are there; if the younger generation which attend school do pass the news picks up on and say a positive things.

Media can be useful, and change the view of a type of group such as, The disability; the reason why i chose that particular group is because of the para Olympics, this actually showed a positive way in how us as a society view the disability. It showed them to be strong no vulnerable and enthusiastic; wear as as a society as a whole the disability was viewed in a different manner quite opposite to what i said above. therefore this shows media can put a light on a subject.

on the other hand media can do the complete opposite and create a stereotype  on a particular group such as 'Muslims', for example after the 9/11 Muslims were on the news for quite some while and were in most negative manner, this created quite a big stereotype about this particular group. They were mostly in the news which society tends to watch and this made the 'Muslims' quite an easy stereotype. I personally believe that media can make society change there mind very fast. I also believe media can control peoples mind because it is the only place where we get our news.

Media is not all negative; because without it we would not know what is going on around the world. Media can help people for example 'YouTube' 'Kony' this was quite recently made and people knew about it in just in a few days it got millions of views and it raised awareness about what is going on. 

Coming back to the youths collective identity is played in the media mostly in a negative way such as teenagers throughout the television is usually negative- with violence, drugs and sex. i thing the more you see these types of TV shows/films come on the more you actually fall in the trap. Of (stereotype). 
Also, you could say that TV shows could be the reason why they go through this particular gender, because they think its ok since it is on there TV everyday. TV shows such as Bad education, Misfits and many more shows aggression and a negative outline in teenagers them selves, it has students bullying teachers. and students bullying other students; this could show kids that its OK to bully people. there fore what i am trying to argue is that collective identity plays a huge part in society and media. and negative TV shows can make it seem OK when it is not.

To conclude, i think that media plays a huge role in collective identity. And in particular groups such as Teenagers, religions/race/skin and the disability all are affected by the negative and positive in the media. I personally think it is mostly negative because society as a whole want entrainment, so that is what media does; it entertains the viewing public.

Monday 17 September 2012

bsfga2media08 for ed


13th descember trip

homework next monday
presemtation of your project
a title for short films and trailers
350 synopis/tratment of the main project
a breakdown of estimated running time equipment producyion caost location artists desighn etc
Look on blog

other homework due wesday disability essay collective identy

In what ways will your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions forms and convection's of real media products?

My  teaser trailer will have various types of conventions, such as the clips that i will choose will be the best bits this is to keep the audience more entertained, and teaser trailers such as the teaser trailer for 'Saw 3D' this is actually quite a good one because it has intense scenes which keeps the audience more intrigued.

I will also have a voice over, I particular want it to be a man with a powerful/scary voice because I do believe this adds more tension to the trailer. I also will use powerful instruments because in a horror movie it usually is better to use instruments that are loud to make it more intense. 

How will you ensure that the combination of your main product and ancillary texts are effective. 

What kind of audience feedback will you seek for your product and what things might you learn this ?

i will set out a questionnaire to find out the audience's feedback on my idea, reason being is that I want to know if my idea is worth doing because other people opinions are useful when creating a film/trailer. 

How will use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation ? 

I will research in many different types of forms such as look at other teaser trailers, do practise shots. be prepared before hand