Friday 9 December 2011

Secret diary of a call girl

Throughout, the clip we have watched in class called 'Secret diary of a call girl' disability is represented in many different types of ways such as Mise en scene, camera, sound, and edits. Throughout this essay i will explain how these for different types of ways are created in the clip.

In the first frame we notice a young blonde women opening a red door; on the other side of the door we see a man and a kid in a wheel chair. The women lets them come in the house. both men look worried and look as if they just saw a ghost. The man pushes the wheel chair kid inside the house and goes of looking around the house. We notice from there body language they are scared. Then the girl comes in, and the kid says to the dad 'do you have the envelope' this shows she i a call girl.
Then the wheel chair kid wants his dad to take him to the bed. we notice he is his dad because of his choice of words. The father slowly picks up his son and gentally puts him down on the bed. We then see the women, coming in the room and her choice of words show us she is scared. The father then says 'i will be down stairs if you need me' this shows he is scared and paranoid about his kid with another person taking care of him.

In this clip sound is represented in many different ways. in one of the scenes the wheel chair kid says to the call girl he in not use to being touched, this suggests he has low self esteem. This also shows that just because he is disabled does not mean he can not do what other people his age do. 
Non digetic sound begins when its the intimate scene happens, a sound bridge also happends (jump cut) it shows passage of time; it also shows in the van with the father. This scene the father shows anxiety because he has to lot some one else do the job. 

Mise en scen is also created to show how disability is represented, In the clip there was a scene where he is practically undressed this shows his lack of ability to do a simple task. it shows he is also being treated like a kid. This is probably because he is in a wheel chair and its a symbol of disability. 
Mise en scene is also created by the setting in the bedroom. the wallpaper is red with flowers, and the clothing of the call girl shows she is trying to reveal some skin to be more sexual for the kid and she gives the father a look to let him know she can handle it from now.

Camera is represented throughout the clip to show disability. in the first clip the camera shows us the father then tilts down to reveal Blake, this shows that the kid is disabled and the wheel chair is a iconic symbol of disability. camera is also show to represent disability on when the intimate scene happend there is a medium close up on when the call girl touches Blake. There is also 180 degree shot on when there was a conversation between the 'call girl' and Blake. this shows the conversation did get awkward for blake because the 'call girl' was a stereotypical 'dumb' blonde girl.

Editing is also represented in the clip to show disability in different ways; by the cuts between the view of the flat, and the shot of the father reveals his thoughts we see this by his actions in the van. 
The lighting from the outside, this shows natural lighting and i think the director used it to make the scene more effective, and to show things like this do happen in society because people let it happen.

To conclude this clip shows various techniques to represent disability. I found sound to be the most effective because it shows what the characters are thinking, i also think the edits made the clip more effective to watch. however the camera shots showed how 'blake' differently compared to the father and the call girl. 

Friday 2 December 2011

Hotel Babylon Unfinished

Throughout this essay I will explain how ethnicity is presented in this clip. There are many different scenes that show how ethnicity is presented. there are  various ways on how ethnicity is represented they are Mise en scene, camera, edits and sound. 

In the first frame we see a black person wearing a suit and tie; he looks smart and well presented. 
He is bending down serving a white man.  Then we notice another black man who calls him over and the two men are talking. Both men are very different.  The black man who just came out of the swimming pool, is wearing a chain and he speaks ‘Slang’. Wear as the other man speaks more formal. In contrast both men show different personalities.

Camera is also represented by ethnicity  throughout this clip most of the shots are long shots. in the beginning of the clip they young black man is walking smoothly down when he notices and meets an old friend who looks like a stereotypical young black man.
in another scene there is  close up on the two french ladies and also the old foreign man. When the two french ladies were taking there clothes of for the man this is also stereotypical because they say french people are beautiful. we notice they are french  by there choice of words. 180 degree was also used throughout the conversation between the two black men; this was used to show the awkwardness of the black man who was formally dressed.

Mise en scene is used on this clip show how ethnicity is represented very clearly. In one of the scenes  we notice a black man wearing formal clothing and the other black man is wearing chains and looks more stereotypical of a black young man. 
However in the first scene we notice the black man bending down serving a white man this shows that even thought he is formally dressed he is still serving a black man.
in another scene there are two cookers one is Brittish and the other is Foreign they continuasly argue and use racial slurs. The foreign man is short and has an accent this is stereotypical.

Sound is  represented to show ethnicity throughout the clip. there is digetic sound in the background to the cleaners cleaning  

Monday 21 November 2011


In the beginning of this film we see a crane shot, of a man and a women wearing bright color clothing; there outfits coordinate with each other.Mise en scene showed in the first shot because of there usual clothing.Later in the movie we notice they are husband and wife. There both having a conversation, then suddenly there daughter comes in with a man. Both husband and wife jump up and look shocked. The father looks angry whilst the mother is surprised. We notice the father is not to happy about her daughter bringing a boy home. The daughter looks around twenty whilst the man with her a lot older than her. She is wearing modernized clothing compared to her parents. She’s wearing a blazer wear as her parents are wearing very bright colors. This shows that they swooped roles. The parents are dressing younger and the daughter is dressing older.

In this movie; the director uses many different camera techniques to get his point across. the first long shot i saw was when the family was in the living room having a conversation. The long shot made it look more affective because both the male characters were facing each other and both the female characters where facing each other, this created suspense for the viewers.
The editing also made it more affective because there were many different lighting used. For example in the bedroom scene the lighting is more dimmer than in the living room scene; hence why this makes it more affective. Most of the characters do get to be in a shot on there own. The camera mainly focuses on the father and 'Steve', i personally think to show the hidden rivalry between them. we see this through the editing and the camera work that was used.

In the next scene the parents greet their daughter, the father looks annoyed. All four characters sit in the living room and have a conversation. The father is interrogating the daughter’s friend ‘Steve’. The father looks threatened by ‘Steve’. Where as ‘Steve’ gives sarcasm in most of the conversation; he also acts younger than his age. When Steve gets answer a question the daughter jumps in the conversation, before he does. This shows that she is scared he is going to say the wrong things. The daughter automatically notices that her father does not like Steve. In the room there is a awkward tension in the background we here wind chimes and birds outside this shows connotation.

The family it self is a nuclear family, the father looks like the breadwinner because he acts like he controls the family we see this through out his actions.  Wear as the mother looks calm and innocent because she interacts with the daughter’s male friend. The director made the characters completely different maybe to show that is how female and males are portrayed in or society. The daughter seems defensive because she jumps in a lot of the conversations happening. To get her self out of the house she says to the parents ‘we have that thing’ this clearly shows she does not want to be in the house any longer; so she puts words into Steve’s mouth.  Wear as for Steve he seems like more of the ‘joker’ he is informal and gives short answers. He acts younger than his age.
All four characters are different the parents look like they are a close family. But the daughter seems to not fit in right. The father also is just protecting his daughter.

The next scene is in a bedroom. The mother is in bed playing around with her hands. The father is getting ready for bed and talking about Steve. This shows he is threatened by Steve because h continues the conversation still, in the bedroom.  The room looks quite old fashioned. The first thing the caught my eye was the brown/gold long curtains. The bed is at the center of the room. The father goes into bed and the mother kisses his left arm. He looks shocked. Without moving his head he rolls his eyes down to her. The father looks stiff. This shows there awkwardness between the characters.

This film uses many different techniques and camera shots to make it more affective. i personally found this film interesting and it grabbed my attention. some of the shots do have humor, this also makes it affective.

Thursday 17 November 2011

How is Gender represented

How is gender represented?
Through out the movie my group focused on the visual language of the film, through out the film gender is represented in many differentways in the film; in the first frame the 
male character seems to be pushing the female character towards the car.
This frame generalizes what a male  character would be like. The director has used many different ways to show how to of the genders are being portrayed.

The next frame shows a complete different side to what a female would do; 
we see a women on a tractor digging a whole, she is wearing a black leather jacket. She seemed quite manly and butch. This shows that she is not portrayed as a women; she is portrayed as a man.
She does not potray a women because just this shot shows a different side to 
female charters because it mostly unlikely to see a female on a tractor. 
However the male character is telling her what to do. suddenly we see a lion 
moving towards the male character, the man is defenseless he stars running the camera
is still on the man this shows he is the protagonist. Whilst the 
man is running the women shoots the lion and saves the man. This
whole scene shows that the female character is the hero. Gender is represented in 
this scene because it shows the women saving the mans life, gener roles
swop between the man and the women.

In the next scene there is a women that is a a barn wearing formal clothing. She isnt the only one in the barn; there is another butch man who looks quite big. these two characters have an argument which then leads to the man holding a gun at her head. she drops on the floor, and is defensless. suddenly the main character from the beginign comes and and points a gun at the other man who seems to be the 'villian'. The protagonist saves the day. Whilst the other lady only cares about her clothing when she gets up.

Throughout the film the  camera is mostly on the main character who is the man. 
Most of his shots are close ups. wear as the female character he camera shots are long shots. This shows that the male character is the protagonist and the female is 
the helper. I firstly noticed that in the begging of the film because his actions made him seem more of the protagonist. However the female character could also be the protgonist because she did do most of the action work. But the reason i say she is just the helper is because the camera was on the male character. This film shows a various range of camera shots; but mostly close-up which were on him.


Tuesday 8 November 2011

Children of men Frame Shots

In this  frame we see a news report on the latest news.
There is a image of a young child. at the bottom of the
TV it says he was the youngest person
who's been killed at theta time by an angry mob.                
This frame shot shows a diverse range of people gazing at 
Something that the audience can not see.  Most of the characters have the same look.
These people look upset and some are even crying. In the
middle of this shot there is a man trying to make his way through 
some of the people are staring at him because he has the courage to barge people 
just for a coffee.  

In this shot we see an empty street where there is smoke coming out
of a building this suggests its been attacked. in the right side these is a bike and the passenger is on the floor looking we only can see there feet. The action codes is the bomb. The street is empty, with smoke coming towards the camera.
in this shot we see passengers walking by; and a  certain man sideways towards the camera.
He looks more like the protagonist because he looking back.
 Walking towards him is another old man who looks mysterious because he is holding something that the audience cannot see. 
This frame shows a busy dark erie street. to the left there is a pile of bin bags, and  on the road there are
 old busses and cars. the place looks old because the street is messy. 
In this frame we can see on the bottom left the date and place  of this place.
 The city looks busy and dark. 
In this frame we can see a young boy on the television and lots of people gazing at him. it seems like they are  in a shop.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Monday 26 September 2011


What does a director do?
The director controls the whole production. A director is also a person who  is in charge of making all the creative decisions, the director will make the big decisions. They are responsible for using a script and making it into a film. the  director is responsible for deciding the lighting, the camera angles and also the lens. The director works closely with the cast and the crew.  The director works with the editor. the director also advises the color and the final shots.

What comes first script or finance?
The script comes first.

How can casting help to get the film made?
A casting directors job is to find the actors for the film this is a huge part of making a film, because without a casting director their  will be no film. 

Who is responsible for marketing?
The producer is mainly responsible for the marketing of the project.

Where do ideas for films come from?
The ideas could come from many different things E.g Books, Newspapers, Magazines and many more.

How does a film reach the right audience?
The film reaches out to the audience by many things, it mainly depends on the genre. it also needs good marketing e.g posters, trailers, billboards or even adverts. 

Thursday 22 September 2011

Delicatessen & City of god & Se7en

In the opening scene to 'Delicatessen', shows a dark eerie background.The tone of the movie is 'sepia' , the camera zooms into a door which opens on its own. we then see a muscular man sharpening his two knifes. In this movie dietetic sound is used a lot in the opening scene. The knifes go louder and louder. Then the camera does a close up to a dark mystical whole in the wall. The lighting goes dark and the camera. Then the camera does a close up to the other mans face; his face shows fear and her is nervous.  we then see him disguising him self as a rubbish bag; he then goes in the rubbish bin and hides there.The man that was sharpening his knife at the beginning knew the other man was hiding in the bin. Suddenly the man grins then chops the other mans head. This scene was very disturbing however it made me want to watch the movie more.

In the opening scene to 'se7en' there where close ups in the begin the lighting focuses on the writing, the camera also does a close up on the hands.. The opening scene had flashing shots. Also in the begging a person was cutting up pictures which i thought it was for his next victims. The lighting was dark and eerie. The movie automatically tells you that the genre is going to be horror.  The iconography suggests that the person was angry when he was cutting up the pictures. Also in the opening scene a person was sowing and was very careful.

City of god:-
 'City of god' is very hard to understand in the beginning. However the sound that was being played sounded very fun and adventurous. The movies paste was very fast, most of the characters were chasing a chicken with knifes; this suggest iconography because the knifes mean the chicken was targeted .The movie had violent language.  By watching the opening scene i think the movie is Adventure/action. The camera was moving side to side (panning) most of the time. There was a close up to the chicken. in this movie there was a boy that was told to get the chicken he was surrounded by cops and the villages people. His facial expressions showed the audience he was in fear and did not know what to do. Iconography showed he was targeted by all those people.

Monday 19 September 2011

Three Colour Blue

The opening scene to ‘Three colour blue’, the camera starts of inside a tire.We then hear sounds of a busy highway, the camera then pulls back to show us it was a tire of a moving car, and then the car goes through a tunnel. In the back of this car; there is a young girl glazing outside the widow. We then see oil dripping. The camera focuses on the oil and blurs the background.  The car then stops. The only member of the family we see is the young girl and a glance of her father. The next shot the car was on  high-speed.

We then see a young boy playing with his toy; the toy was making a clicking noise. I noticed it had the same rhythm as the oil dripping. The toy could symbolise the crash because it had the same rhythm. This young boy was hopping to catch a ride. He spots the car speeding very fast; then he stands up. Suddenly the car crashes into a tree. He then runs to help the family in the car.

In the opening scene we did not see the husbands face, however his body structure seemed as if he was exhausted. In the start of the film it was at late night, but now its early in the morning. This shows he was driving for quite some time. This could also could be what triggered the car accident as well as the oil dripping.

In the beginning of the scene when the car when inside the tunnel. The camera showed us what the little girl ‘Anna’ saw in the back of the car. In that shot the scene kept on fading black as if the film has ended. The shot sizes in this movie are short. There where no special affects in the opening scene. The camera was focused at the oil dripping and it blurred the background.  The camera movements goes side to side (panning) in the scene were the girl runs out of the car. In the opening scene the film does not introduce any characters, except ‘Anna’ who we hardly know.

I personally think this film looks very interesting. From the first shots of this movie, I could automatically tell it was going to be a depressing but interesting film. In the opening scene there was no diegetic sound used. When I first heard about this movie the title ‘Three coulor blue’ stunned me because it’s a unique title. Overall I thought this movie was fascinating and I would like to see what happens towards the end.

Thursday 15 September 2011

The First Five Minutes Of The Three Films I Have Chosen

‘John Q’ is a film directed by Nick Casseveres. Denzel Washington stars as John Quincy Archibald, he is a loving father struggling to make money whilst working a minimal amount of hours in a factory that is likely for him to struggle to survive. Kimberly Elise portrays John’s wife, she is a working who has recently gotten a job in order to make ends meet. "John Q" is an emotional and powerful film that delivers a much needed message about the state of healthcare in this country. The first five minutes begins with a female driving in the highway, suddenly the shot ends with a terrifying accident. Then the next opening scene opens to john and his wife, then the families’ car was taken away because they did not pay their bills, this leaves the family depressed.

I personally think this film caught my attention because this movie has a lot of drama, suspense, and is very emotional. This movie really stands out because it has an amazing plot, you can automatically tell from the first five minutes of this movie it will have a lot of suspense. This movie shows s the injustice of society, and how health care system works. The first five minutes of this film is horrifying. The begging is dramatic and also shocking. The audience appeal for this movie is 16+. The genre for this film is crime, drama and suspense.

‘Osama’ is a film that gave me goose bumps, this film is about a family of three; mother, grandma, and daughter. They try to survive in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. The first five minutes started of with a crowd of burkha-clad women fighting for their rights. Between them is a young girl who looks petrified but by her mothers side. the scared young girl (Marina Golbahari) watches from a distance, as the Taliban soldiers using water hoses towards the crowd of burkhas.

followed by the next scene where the girls mother works is raided by the Taliban, the mother is then saved by a man who is taking care of her father; he says he is her husband.  In those times the women was not allowed to be in public without a male present. The opening scene is very hard to understand but it becomes clear later in the movie. The movie has subtitles in English.  The genre for this movie is drama and foreign. The audience appeal is for people who like drama and foreign movies.

‘The Mist’ is a horror film with suspense, its also dark and tense.  The Mist starts out with David Drayton (Thomas Jane) who is a man painting his studio when a violent storm hits one of his tree, the tree came slamming down to his studio window and also flattened his boathouse. Then him and his son Billy (Nathan Gamble); and his neighbour, Brent Norton (Andre Braugher). They all head to the supermarket; the mist is spreading towards the lake.

The first five minutes of this movie does not tell you a lot, but it comes cleat later in the movie. The genre for this movie is horror and drama. The audience appeal is for people over the age sixteen. The movie is frightening and terrifying.

How is media vital in modern life?

The importance of media is very powerful in the modern world. Media influences the lives of ordinary people every day. Information in the modern life is so simple to receive, without any hassle. Media is the best source to know about what’s happening in the world. There are many different types of media out there; e.g. magazine, Newspaper, radio, television and internet are the different types of media. However can be sometimes positive and negative.

Media is very powerful it could lead for the people to resort to violence. Sometimes adverts try to influence the people by telling them the importance of buying a certain make and how helpful it is, however some adverts do not tell the people the consequences.

However media can sometimes educates the people to know about their vital rights and how to use them. Media can also educate the children but developing their skill by watching good programmes that are easy to understand. Advertisements helps the people to know there are different products out there. Weather forecast programmes tells how the weather will be. Media can affect out life’s both negatively and positively it just depends on how society takes it. Media effect to people, aware and safely, and media announce what’s going on around the world. Media means speech, information and other communications. There are plenty of different types of media there are: the T.V., radio and newspaper media. Media is the vital source of changing the society. Media can change all negatives to positive.

Media can affect all age groups. Media can affect children because it shows violence. Television can be a amusement and education tool for children.  However television, and media in general has a very negative influence on children.  Media can be very educational for the children. However children can also be very vulnerable. Media can also be educational for the children because there are education programmes. Children then could develop their skills and intellect bu watching some of these programs, because visual media and audio is very easy to understand. Media can also be very effective to children because research has  shown that children who watch violence tend to be more violent.

I personally think the media that media help us to know about the recently news and we know what happen around the world. I also think that music is capable moving us emotionally. I also think technology effects everyone everyday, because before we had computers and internet it was very difficult to socialise with people. I personally think media can bring people to safety for example: phones are useful because if we didn’t have it, it would be hard to call for safety. Media has both positive and negative sides. I think media has made a huge role in my life. Technology made it so easier to talk to friends and family. Technology also made it easier for us to answer our queries. I personally think Technology makes our life much easier and faster to do things.