Thursday 22 September 2011

Delicatessen & City of god & Se7en

In the opening scene to 'Delicatessen', shows a dark eerie background.The tone of the movie is 'sepia' , the camera zooms into a door which opens on its own. we then see a muscular man sharpening his two knifes. In this movie dietetic sound is used a lot in the opening scene. The knifes go louder and louder. Then the camera does a close up to a dark mystical whole in the wall. The lighting goes dark and the camera. Then the camera does a close up to the other mans face; his face shows fear and her is nervous.  we then see him disguising him self as a rubbish bag; he then goes in the rubbish bin and hides there.The man that was sharpening his knife at the beginning knew the other man was hiding in the bin. Suddenly the man grins then chops the other mans head. This scene was very disturbing however it made me want to watch the movie more.

In the opening scene to 'se7en' there where close ups in the begin the lighting focuses on the writing, the camera also does a close up on the hands.. The opening scene had flashing shots. Also in the begging a person was cutting up pictures which i thought it was for his next victims. The lighting was dark and eerie. The movie automatically tells you that the genre is going to be horror.  The iconography suggests that the person was angry when he was cutting up the pictures. Also in the opening scene a person was sowing and was very careful.

City of god:-
 'City of god' is very hard to understand in the beginning. However the sound that was being played sounded very fun and adventurous. The movies paste was very fast, most of the characters were chasing a chicken with knifes; this suggest iconography because the knifes mean the chicken was targeted .The movie had violent language.  By watching the opening scene i think the movie is Adventure/action. The camera was moving side to side (panning) most of the time. There was a close up to the chicken. in this movie there was a boy that was told to get the chicken he was surrounded by cops and the villages people. His facial expressions showed the audience he was in fear and did not know what to do. Iconography showed he was targeted by all those people.

1 comment:

  1. WWW well done Habiba, some excellent work here. You have made a vigourous attempt to describe what you saw in some detail and to use some media terminology in the processes. You have tried to find meaning in the texts and connect both with genre and audience.

    ebi room for a greater level of detail for each of the texts and even more confident use of terminology. Ensure that you are watching closely and thinking about what you write.

