Thursday 17 November 2011

How is Gender represented

How is gender represented?
Through out the movie my group focused on the visual language of the film, through out the film gender is represented in many differentways in the film; in the first frame the 
male character seems to be pushing the female character towards the car.
This frame generalizes what a male  character would be like. The director has used many different ways to show how to of the genders are being portrayed.

The next frame shows a complete different side to what a female would do; 
we see a women on a tractor digging a whole, she is wearing a black leather jacket. She seemed quite manly and butch. This shows that she is not portrayed as a women; she is portrayed as a man.
She does not potray a women because just this shot shows a different side to 
female charters because it mostly unlikely to see a female on a tractor. 
However the male character is telling her what to do. suddenly we see a lion 
moving towards the male character, the man is defenseless he stars running the camera
is still on the man this shows he is the protagonist. Whilst the 
man is running the women shoots the lion and saves the man. This
whole scene shows that the female character is the hero. Gender is represented in 
this scene because it shows the women saving the mans life, gener roles
swop between the man and the women.

In the next scene there is a women that is a a barn wearing formal clothing. She isnt the only one in the barn; there is another butch man who looks quite big. these two characters have an argument which then leads to the man holding a gun at her head. she drops on the floor, and is defensless. suddenly the main character from the beginign comes and and points a gun at the other man who seems to be the 'villian'. The protagonist saves the day. Whilst the other lady only cares about her clothing when she gets up.

Throughout the film the  camera is mostly on the main character who is the man. 
Most of his shots are close ups. wear as the female character he camera shots are long shots. This shows that the male character is the protagonist and the female is 
the helper. I firstly noticed that in the begging of the film because his actions made him seem more of the protagonist. However the female character could also be the protgonist because she did do most of the action work. But the reason i say she is just the helper is because the camera was on the male character. This film shows a various range of camera shots; but mostly close-up which were on him.


1 comment:

  1. Interesting, you explain clearly how gender is represented through films :)
