Monday 11 March 2013

essay pracitse prepration


The film represents sub working class culture. Poverty, social housing and single parent families are foregrounded as audiences voyeuristically see the grim realism of south east Essex ‘chav’ culture unfold. The central character Mia is the typical social realist central protagonist – angry, frustrated and alienated with an abusive, overtly sexualised irresponsible mother.

There is no apparent father, her younger sister drinks (as does Mia), swears but ultimately remains faithful to the family unit and almost at times has a parental type of representation.

The key problem for Fish Tank would be hegemonic cultural stereotyping which would be dependent on the cultural capital of the target audience but arguably the character of Mia is pluralistic eventually in the struggle to leave her urban and dysfunctional family environment.

It is a film that represents a specific regional identity but uses the familiar stereotype of Jeremy Kyle ‘trailer park trash’ to pin its narrative themes to. Representations of gender and age predominate as Mia experiences humiliation as a stereotypical female victim and sexual exploitation at the hands of Connor, her mother’s boyfriend - she is 15. Patriarchal ideology is arguably challenged though by the narrative outcomes.

arguably- good term

make comparisons e.g. Precious
class issue amongst the black community
she is seen as a 'black' charcter

 Hypermedic needel theory- makes you want to do things

Uses and gratification theory
 -watch to be entertained
-compare our own personal identity
-social interactions -
-observation- observe things because we are intrested . e.g. news-intrested in the world

moral panics



find specific clips- ananlyse it
e.g. paragraph

add theories
hegemony, realism, sterotyping, feminism

wider secondary research: news articles, academic studies, goverment, research, audience responcses

find studies- specific ones

presentation: essay with clips

The media is responsible for biased and inaccurate representations. Discuss this statement in relation to the area you have studied and consider the impact of media representations on collective identity

do a comparison between mia fish tank and precisous

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