Monday 18 March 2013

Precious & Fish tank

Write a comparison of the representation of Mia in fish tank & Precious

Precious clip:

This clip shows ‘black’ people; to be more specific Black women as the general stereotype loud and rude. What i noticed is the mother is seen as more dominant just by using her voice she is seen as the predator thus her daughter ‘Precious’ is seen as the prey.   In this clip the mother is using vile language and blaming everything on her daughter; she is angry and frustrated at precious.  This film represents more so the black poor community. 

It is a film that stereotypes black women; ‘Jerry Springer’ a well-known TV Series ; it is a TV series  that generally shows the more negative side to the more poorer community in America.

Fish Tank Trailer.

The comparison between ‘Precious’ and ‘Fish tank’ are that both this female character live in a dysfunctional family; this is generally the stereotype to people living in council houses & have less income.  They are being targeted by their mothers and are seen as ‘Rejects’. Arguably both their mothers are frustrated and want some-one to blame for their life mistakes. 

Both these clips show no male figure ; there are no father figures in these films; this represents women as needing a man or they will just turn out angry at the world. Arguably precious mother blames her for her husband’s bad choices. 

Moreover both these films represent single parent households and both Mia and Precious feel alienated and frustrated and they both want to escape the life there living. 

Furthermore  In precious mostly all the darker skin characters where seen as evil &terrible whereas the two lighter skin characters the teacher and the doctor where seen as the protagonists ; the representation  was un liked .

Monday 11 March 2013

essay pracitse prepration


The film represents sub working class culture. Poverty, social housing and single parent families are foregrounded as audiences voyeuristically see the grim realism of south east Essex ‘chav’ culture unfold. The central character Mia is the typical social realist central protagonist – angry, frustrated and alienated with an abusive, overtly sexualised irresponsible mother.

There is no apparent father, her younger sister drinks (as does Mia), swears but ultimately remains faithful to the family unit and almost at times has a parental type of representation.

The key problem for Fish Tank would be hegemonic cultural stereotyping which would be dependent on the cultural capital of the target audience but arguably the character of Mia is pluralistic eventually in the struggle to leave her urban and dysfunctional family environment.

It is a film that represents a specific regional identity but uses the familiar stereotype of Jeremy Kyle ‘trailer park trash’ to pin its narrative themes to. Representations of gender and age predominate as Mia experiences humiliation as a stereotypical female victim and sexual exploitation at the hands of Connor, her mother’s boyfriend - she is 15. Patriarchal ideology is arguably challenged though by the narrative outcomes.

arguably- good term

make comparisons e.g. Precious
class issue amongst the black community
she is seen as a 'black' charcter

 Hypermedic needel theory- makes you want to do things

Uses and gratification theory
 -watch to be entertained
-compare our own personal identity
-social interactions -
-observation- observe things because we are intrested . e.g. news-intrested in the world

moral panics



find specific clips- ananlyse it
e.g. paragraph

add theories
hegemony, realism, sterotyping, feminism

wider secondary research: news articles, academic studies, goverment, research, audience responcses

find studies- specific ones

presentation: essay with clips

The media is responsible for biased and inaccurate representations. Discuss this statement in relation to the area you have studied and consider the impact of media representations on collective identity

do a comparison between mia fish tank and precisous

Sunday 10 March 2013

How do the contemporary media represent nations, regions  and  ethnic/social/collectivegroups of people in different ways?

Media is a very powerful source, and for most people it is where they get there information from. Media can form people opinions . So therefore media can represent nations, regions and ethnic/social/collective-groups of people in different ways. Gypsies is going to be my key focus throughout this essay. I will expand on how they are represented through the media and how the stereotypes are shown through the media.

There are many stereotypes shown in the media such as ‘My big fat Gypsy wedding’ this documentary follows the travelers and it shows the audience what they do and how there life is like.  In this documentary we see them with big fancy weddings; this shows that they do have money. Also in some episodes we see them traveling long distances this also shows they have money to be moving around.

In addition to how the stereotypes are weaken in ‘My big fat Gypsy wedding’ are that the gypsies in this documentary do not steal and this breaks the general stereotype towards gypsies. However watching this documentary on gypsy weddings what i noticed is that most of the girls want to get married in an early age. That is there main goal in life. Thus the women that are already married are mainly housewives and do the domestic role.

The programme is mainly for entertainment, so they have to make it entertaining; this could cause them to take the  editing scenes out and manipulating the audience; also since the viewing public know such little information about ‘Gypsies in general’ they will use that as an advantage.

There are other forms of media witch do stereotype gypsies such as ‘Shakira – Gypsy’ This is a song which has all forms of general stereotypes, One of the lyric says ‘I might steal your clothes And wear them if they fit me’ This song lyric is labeling gypsy women as thieves.

To conclude there are gypsies are represented in mostly negative ways; they are seen as thieves, and that they all get married at a young age (14+18). The stereotypes towards gypsies could go on. However Documentaries such as ‘My big fat gypsy wedding’ can sometimes influence the stereotype or weaken it. The stereotype that gypsies are thieves is broken in the documentary ‘My big fat Gypsy wedding’ however re-opened in the song ‘shakira- Gypsy’. Thus the stereotypes towards gypsies still go on to this day and age. An example is the Poster which was made for ‘My big fat gypsy wedding’ It was quite a known poster some may argue it is racist. It says ‘ Bigger, fatter, Gypsier’ It sounds like a good catchphrase  however to the gypsy traveling society it caused offense.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

what i have finish:

i have to finish my magazine ancillary

i have to finish my evaluation:

and i have to add more things to the blog

such as research and add more power points

Research on price tag

i also need to do a storyboard the real one

Monday 4 March 2013

what ideas/words are associated with the term gypsies and travellers.

Thieves= asking for money in the streets
In documentries such as gypsy weddings they are living in caravans and traveling the country.
Young marriage
family orientated

Snatch (2000) clip:
how are they being represented
viloent language
very poor
there called 'pikey'
they squat; behind the van
they drink alot

How do the contemporay media represent nations, religions and ethnic/ social/ collective groups of people in diffrent ways. (50 marks)

analyse the content you have been given
how are gyypsis and travellers represented?
which institution is it? how does this affective the reading?  how is it meditated?
which theories  could help to support your  answe?


Sunday 3 March 2013

With reference to any group you have studied discuss how their ‘identity’ has been mediated

The term race refers to groups of people who have differences and similarities in biological traits deemed by society to be socially significant. Within this essay I will approach how Race has been represented throughout the media and how identity has been meditated.

Theorist such as Stuart Hall give emphasis to the importance of visual representation.  Hall argues that black people are often stereotyped and this is due to the media and how it represents black people.  Hall  argues that the ‘blacks’ appeared on TV often in a racially stereotyping position. An example could be the movie ‘Kiddulthood’ The representation of black youth is portrayed by the stereotypical idea of street crime with youth's. The features of the film mainly consist of violence, drugs and sex.

Television and visual representation are important in today’s society especially when it’s through someone’s identity.  In our society it is hard to find your own ‘identity’. Theorist such as Akiniti (2003) argues that the television coverage of the ethnic minorities on Black people always focuses on AIDS in Africa, Underachievement of black people in schools. Akiniti states that it focuses on the down side.  Furthermore other sociologists such as Hall somewhat agree; In 1971 he made an appearance on BBC television where he criticized the portrayal of the blacks. ‘’There is something wrong  with the way black immigrants, west Indians, Asians, Africans – are handled by and presented on the Mass Media.  This clearly shows that the portrayal of Blacks are being down sided and it makes it harder for the upcoming youth to find their own identities without the media representing them in a charitable way.    

However visual representation such as ‘Hitch’ which is a movie stared by a black protagonist who is doctor who helps clients who are mostly white. This movie does break out of the stereotypical ‘black man’ character and his clothing tells us he is quite a wealthy man. However in some scenes we do see stereotypical prospect such as when he teaches the white man how to dance. The stereotype is that white men can’t dance and black men can.  This shows that a stereotype in race happens to every ethnic group/race. 

Race can become an issue when looking at identity. The visual representation of Race and identity are somewhat being mediated. Sociologists such as Hall argue that media do represent races in a stereotypical manner which can influence someone’s identity. To conclude the place someone’s from genetically  can somewhat influence them to change their identity and make them socially aware  of how to peruse themselves.