Monday 21 November 2011


In the beginning of this film we see a crane shot, of a man and a women wearing bright color clothing; there outfits coordinate with each other.Mise en scene showed in the first shot because of there usual clothing.Later in the movie we notice they are husband and wife. There both having a conversation, then suddenly there daughter comes in with a man. Both husband and wife jump up and look shocked. The father looks angry whilst the mother is surprised. We notice the father is not to happy about her daughter bringing a boy home. The daughter looks around twenty whilst the man with her a lot older than her. She is wearing modernized clothing compared to her parents. She’s wearing a blazer wear as her parents are wearing very bright colors. This shows that they swooped roles. The parents are dressing younger and the daughter is dressing older.

In this movie; the director uses many different camera techniques to get his point across. the first long shot i saw was when the family was in the living room having a conversation. The long shot made it look more affective because both the male characters were facing each other and both the female characters where facing each other, this created suspense for the viewers.
The editing also made it more affective because there were many different lighting used. For example in the bedroom scene the lighting is more dimmer than in the living room scene; hence why this makes it more affective. Most of the characters do get to be in a shot on there own. The camera mainly focuses on the father and 'Steve', i personally think to show the hidden rivalry between them. we see this through the editing and the camera work that was used.

In the next scene the parents greet their daughter, the father looks annoyed. All four characters sit in the living room and have a conversation. The father is interrogating the daughter’s friend ‘Steve’. The father looks threatened by ‘Steve’. Where as ‘Steve’ gives sarcasm in most of the conversation; he also acts younger than his age. When Steve gets answer a question the daughter jumps in the conversation, before he does. This shows that she is scared he is going to say the wrong things. The daughter automatically notices that her father does not like Steve. In the room there is a awkward tension in the background we here wind chimes and birds outside this shows connotation.

The family it self is a nuclear family, the father looks like the breadwinner because he acts like he controls the family we see this through out his actions.  Wear as the mother looks calm and innocent because she interacts with the daughter’s male friend. The director made the characters completely different maybe to show that is how female and males are portrayed in or society. The daughter seems defensive because she jumps in a lot of the conversations happening. To get her self out of the house she says to the parents ‘we have that thing’ this clearly shows she does not want to be in the house any longer; so she puts words into Steve’s mouth.  Wear as for Steve he seems like more of the ‘joker’ he is informal and gives short answers. He acts younger than his age.
All four characters are different the parents look like they are a close family. But the daughter seems to not fit in right. The father also is just protecting his daughter.

The next scene is in a bedroom. The mother is in bed playing around with her hands. The father is getting ready for bed and talking about Steve. This shows he is threatened by Steve because h continues the conversation still, in the bedroom.  The room looks quite old fashioned. The first thing the caught my eye was the brown/gold long curtains. The bed is at the center of the room. The father goes into bed and the mother kisses his left arm. He looks shocked. Without moving his head he rolls his eyes down to her. The father looks stiff. This shows there awkwardness between the characters.

This film uses many different techniques and camera shots to make it more affective. i personally found this film interesting and it grabbed my attention. some of the shots do have humor, this also makes it affective.

Thursday 17 November 2011

How is Gender represented

How is gender represented?
Through out the movie my group focused on the visual language of the film, through out the film gender is represented in many differentways in the film; in the first frame the 
male character seems to be pushing the female character towards the car.
This frame generalizes what a male  character would be like. The director has used many different ways to show how to of the genders are being portrayed.

The next frame shows a complete different side to what a female would do; 
we see a women on a tractor digging a whole, she is wearing a black leather jacket. She seemed quite manly and butch. This shows that she is not portrayed as a women; she is portrayed as a man.
She does not potray a women because just this shot shows a different side to 
female charters because it mostly unlikely to see a female on a tractor. 
However the male character is telling her what to do. suddenly we see a lion 
moving towards the male character, the man is defenseless he stars running the camera
is still on the man this shows he is the protagonist. Whilst the 
man is running the women shoots the lion and saves the man. This
whole scene shows that the female character is the hero. Gender is represented in 
this scene because it shows the women saving the mans life, gener roles
swop between the man and the women.

In the next scene there is a women that is a a barn wearing formal clothing. She isnt the only one in the barn; there is another butch man who looks quite big. these two characters have an argument which then leads to the man holding a gun at her head. she drops on the floor, and is defensless. suddenly the main character from the beginign comes and and points a gun at the other man who seems to be the 'villian'. The protagonist saves the day. Whilst the other lady only cares about her clothing when she gets up.

Throughout the film the  camera is mostly on the main character who is the man. 
Most of his shots are close ups. wear as the female character he camera shots are long shots. This shows that the male character is the protagonist and the female is 
the helper. I firstly noticed that in the begging of the film because his actions made him seem more of the protagonist. However the female character could also be the protgonist because she did do most of the action work. But the reason i say she is just the helper is because the camera was on the male character. This film shows a various range of camera shots; but mostly close-up which were on him.


Tuesday 8 November 2011

Children of men Frame Shots

In this  frame we see a news report on the latest news.
There is a image of a young child. at the bottom of the
TV it says he was the youngest person
who's been killed at theta time by an angry mob.                
This frame shot shows a diverse range of people gazing at 
Something that the audience can not see.  Most of the characters have the same look.
These people look upset and some are even crying. In the
middle of this shot there is a man trying to make his way through 
some of the people are staring at him because he has the courage to barge people 
just for a coffee.  

In this shot we see an empty street where there is smoke coming out
of a building this suggests its been attacked. in the right side these is a bike and the passenger is on the floor looking we only can see there feet. The action codes is the bomb. The street is empty, with smoke coming towards the camera.
in this shot we see passengers walking by; and a  certain man sideways towards the camera.
He looks more like the protagonist because he looking back.
 Walking towards him is another old man who looks mysterious because he is holding something that the audience cannot see. 
This frame shows a busy dark erie street. to the left there is a pile of bin bags, and  on the road there are
 old busses and cars. the place looks old because the street is messy. 
In this frame we can see on the bottom left the date and place  of this place.
 The city looks busy and dark. 
In this frame we can see a young boy on the television and lots of people gazing at him. it seems like they are  in a shop.