Tuesday 12 February 2013

“Media representations are complex, not simple and straightforward”. How far do you agree with this statement in relation to the collective group that you have studied?

In this essay i will be looking at media texts such as Film,music video's , games and television; i will be focusing on females and how they are portrayed in the media. I will be discussing if i agree/disagree with the statement.  ''Media representation of women are complex, not simple and straightforward'.

I somewhat disagree with this statement; it is not as straightforward on how females are represented through the media; Women are seen sexually and are mainly wearing revealing clothes in music videos such as R&b or Rap video's. Women are seen as sexual objects. 

Feminist stress the importance of gender division in society. Femenist argue that gender stereotypes are negative and the media inhancese the negativity ans stereotype towards women. Feminists also argue that women are oppressed and the 'housewives' they have to give up work and take care of the children, which is also called the triple shift. 

Furthermore, feminists believe that the media presents women as housewives and domestic servants, and they have to service the men's 'sexual needs'.Feminists also suggest that the media portrays this by making it look like it is what is 'normal' and natural.
Studies indicate that nearly three-quarters of all female characters in TV shows are underweight, and those that are overweight are often the subject of comments or jokes about there body size, and it is mainly made by male characters. This shows the the TV shows people watch are deluding them in what females should look like and what they shouldn't look like; And one study  found out that 80% of these comments made by the characters where followed by laughter.

Most hero and protagonists are mainly male; Spider-man, Batman, and iron man these are male iconic figures. There are hardly any female iconic figures but if there is they tend to wear revealing clothes.

in today's society the young women today are confused with the mixed messages the  media showing them. Women in music video's such as 'Rhianna, Christina Agularia and many more; are representing women in a sexualized manner. 

However i do agree to some point that female representation towards media can not be as straightforward because there are female protagonists in movies, and TV shows; but they are mainly romantic movies,where the girl is falling for a guy, Example Twilight is a well know film where the main character is in love a man. 

The portrayal of women changes, and women are somewhat seen as more independent and strong. TV shows like 'Glee' show women as being inferior. Females in glee are all from different ethnic backgrounds. And are portayed as strong characters. This shows a brighter side to how teenagers are represented.

It is not only films and TV shows which represent women is a sexualized manner it is also Popular Games, such as 'Grand theft autto' This features prostitutes and violence against women.
The majority of female characters in video games where portrayed sexually.