Friday 9 December 2011

Secret diary of a call girl

Throughout, the clip we have watched in class called 'Secret diary of a call girl' disability is represented in many different types of ways such as Mise en scene, camera, sound, and edits. Throughout this essay i will explain how these for different types of ways are created in the clip.

In the first frame we notice a young blonde women opening a red door; on the other side of the door we see a man and a kid in a wheel chair. The women lets them come in the house. both men look worried and look as if they just saw a ghost. The man pushes the wheel chair kid inside the house and goes of looking around the house. We notice from there body language they are scared. Then the girl comes in, and the kid says to the dad 'do you have the envelope' this shows she i a call girl.
Then the wheel chair kid wants his dad to take him to the bed. we notice he is his dad because of his choice of words. The father slowly picks up his son and gentally puts him down on the bed. We then see the women, coming in the room and her choice of words show us she is scared. The father then says 'i will be down stairs if you need me' this shows he is scared and paranoid about his kid with another person taking care of him.

In this clip sound is represented in many different ways. in one of the scenes the wheel chair kid says to the call girl he in not use to being touched, this suggests he has low self esteem. This also shows that just because he is disabled does not mean he can not do what other people his age do. 
Non digetic sound begins when its the intimate scene happens, a sound bridge also happends (jump cut) it shows passage of time; it also shows in the van with the father. This scene the father shows anxiety because he has to lot some one else do the job. 

Mise en scen is also created to show how disability is represented, In the clip there was a scene where he is practically undressed this shows his lack of ability to do a simple task. it shows he is also being treated like a kid. This is probably because he is in a wheel chair and its a symbol of disability. 
Mise en scene is also created by the setting in the bedroom. the wallpaper is red with flowers, and the clothing of the call girl shows she is trying to reveal some skin to be more sexual for the kid and she gives the father a look to let him know she can handle it from now.

Camera is represented throughout the clip to show disability. in the first clip the camera shows us the father then tilts down to reveal Blake, this shows that the kid is disabled and the wheel chair is a iconic symbol of disability. camera is also show to represent disability on when the intimate scene happend there is a medium close up on when the call girl touches Blake. There is also 180 degree shot on when there was a conversation between the 'call girl' and Blake. this shows the conversation did get awkward for blake because the 'call girl' was a stereotypical 'dumb' blonde girl.

Editing is also represented in the clip to show disability in different ways; by the cuts between the view of the flat, and the shot of the father reveals his thoughts we see this by his actions in the van. 
The lighting from the outside, this shows natural lighting and i think the director used it to make the scene more effective, and to show things like this do happen in society because people let it happen.

To conclude this clip shows various techniques to represent disability. I found sound to be the most effective because it shows what the characters are thinking, i also think the edits made the clip more effective to watch. however the camera shots showed how 'blake' differently compared to the father and the call girl. 

Friday 2 December 2011

Hotel Babylon Unfinished

Throughout this essay I will explain how ethnicity is presented in this clip. There are many different scenes that show how ethnicity is presented. there are  various ways on how ethnicity is represented they are Mise en scene, camera, edits and sound. 

In the first frame we see a black person wearing a suit and tie; he looks smart and well presented. 
He is bending down serving a white man.  Then we notice another black man who calls him over and the two men are talking. Both men are very different.  The black man who just came out of the swimming pool, is wearing a chain and he speaks ‘Slang’. Wear as the other man speaks more formal. In contrast both men show different personalities.

Camera is also represented by ethnicity  throughout this clip most of the shots are long shots. in the beginning of the clip they young black man is walking smoothly down when he notices and meets an old friend who looks like a stereotypical young black man.
in another scene there is  close up on the two french ladies and also the old foreign man. When the two french ladies were taking there clothes of for the man this is also stereotypical because they say french people are beautiful. we notice they are french  by there choice of words. 180 degree was also used throughout the conversation between the two black men; this was used to show the awkwardness of the black man who was formally dressed.

Mise en scene is used on this clip show how ethnicity is represented very clearly. In one of the scenes  we notice a black man wearing formal clothing and the other black man is wearing chains and looks more stereotypical of a black young man. 
However in the first scene we notice the black man bending down serving a white man this shows that even thought he is formally dressed he is still serving a black man.
in another scene there are two cookers one is Brittish and the other is Foreign they continuasly argue and use racial slurs. The foreign man is short and has an accent this is stereotypical.

Sound is  represented to show ethnicity throughout the clip. there is digetic sound in the background to the cleaners cleaning